From Giulio IOVINE : on behalf of the other Conveners, I am pleased to advertise the following scientific EGU session to be held in Vienna (Austria) in 2019:
European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2019
Vienna, Austria, 7–12 April 2019
NH9.7 – Monitoring and modelling of dangerous phenomena: innovative techniques for hazard evaluation and risk mitigation
Convener: Giulio G.R. Iovine
Co-Conveners: Marleen de Ruiter, Manuel Pastor
Abstract submission deadline: 10 January 2019, 13:00 CET
More details can be found at the conference website:
We conveners would be glad if you considered submitting Abstracts on your studies related to the topics of the sessions.
After the conferences, the Authors will be invited to submit full papers to be considered for publication in a guest-edited Special Issue.
Looking forward to receiving your abstracts and to meeting you at our sessions.
Kind regards,
Giulio Iovine & Conveners
CNR-IRPI – Italian National Research Council – Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection