April 2018 14
Obituary – Dr Jean Martin
Posted By : Secretary

It is with much regret that I inform you of the death on 3rd April of Dr Jean Martin. Jean suffered a heart attack while jogging. Born in Alma, Quebec in 1956, Jean graduated from

April 2018 06
Posted By : Secretary

There’s been a great deal in the media recently on the use of tunnels across the MENA region. Here are a few of the most recent links that I’ve published via social media: Iraqi News

September 2017 07
Disputed Earth: Geology and the Western Front
Posted By : Secretary

Disputed Earth: Geology and the Western Front, 1914–1918 Guest Posting from Prof Peter Doyle, Profdoyle@btinternet.com   www.peterdoylemilitaryhistory.com   @profpeterdoyle Peter Doyle is a geologist and military historian who specialises in the understanding of military terrain, with reference to

August 2017 03
46 years of terrorist attacks in Europe, visualized
Posted By : Secretary

A very informative article on terrorism in Europe over the past 46 years. Goes to show that we’ve been through worse, albeit that the current threat is very different. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/world/a-history-of-terrorism-in-europe/?hpid=hp_no-name_graphic-story-b%3Ahomepage%2Fstory